Seminar Competition

Did you know we have another competition within SSTFI? Submit your project research paper to be selected to present an electronic presentation at SSTFI! 

Seminar papers are judged by professional all over the country. We are grateful to have their expertise in the selection process.

Papers are due at the time of registration closing. You will be notified at least two weeks prior to the State Science & Technology Fair of Iowa whether you have been selected to present your seminar or not.


Seminars are due at the time of regiSTRATION.

**There is a 20-page limit.
**The research paper should NOT include any slides. 
** There should be NO acknowledgements or references indicating people or location in the paper.  


Seminar Requirements

Papers should include the following:
Research problem & hypothesis
Procedure or experimental design
Research data
Research summary/conclusion


Formatting Seminar Paper

Title Page includes:
Researcher’s Name
Category (Biological or Physical)
There should be no other identifying information in the research paper! 
Times New Roman Size 12 font. 

Papers should be submitted as a pdf or word document with the following naming convention
1. Brief Title_BiologicalGrade
2. Brief Title_PhysicalGrade